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Top Japanese Japanese Learning Course for JLPT N4 Level

Japanese Learning Course for JLPT N4 Level

You can study vocabulary, expressions, and grammar that correspond to the JLPT N4 level.

You can master
vocabulary, expressions, grammar, and conversation
related to the JLPT N4 level!

The “Online Japanese N4 Course” are Japanese study materials related to the JLPT N4 level.
You can study vocabulary, expressions, and grammar that correspond to the JLPT N4 level.

The Japanese of N4 level is applied in actual conversations, so this course is useful for JLPT preparation and advancing your Japanese communication proficiency.

All of the narration contains English subtitles, so that beginner Japanese learners can freely study.
In addition, for those countries unfamiliar with kanji, hiragana characters are added above all of the kanji, so that learners can study effectively.

These teaching materials are useful for advancing your proficiency in Japanese language study, acquiring the proper qualifications of JLPT N4, as well as mastering business Japanese.
This course’s teaching materials can be used for: Learners who already mastered N5 level Japanese, learners who want to study general elementary Japanese and elementary business Japanese, and those taking the JLPT N4.

Recommended for such people

  • Learners who understand English and whose native language is not Japanese(Essentilals)
  • Learners who have mastered JLPT N5 Japanese and Intro level Japanese(Essentilals)
  • Learners who want to take the JLPT N4
  • Learners who want to study elementary business Japanese
  • Learners who want to be proficient in conversational Japanese
  • Students enrolled in a Japanese language school or majoring in Japanese in college
  • International students coming to Japan
  • Foreign employees of a Japanese company who need Japanese language training

What you will learn in this course

Lesson 1
Merry Christmas!

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to recommend things and actions, and say your intentions and thoughts.
  2. Be able to ask and say the reasons for something.
  3. The usage of V[て-form]きます

Lesson 2
ごみを 置く場所を 教えていただけませんか。
Could you tell me where to throw away the trash please?

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Understand the sorting rules of trash in Japan.
  2. Be able to understand grammar that represents the benefit of an act.
  3. Be able to explain the condition of something.

Lesson 3
重すぎて 運べないですよ。
It's too heavy so I can't carry it.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to make the potential form of verbs.
  2. Master how to use potential verbs.

Lesson 4
Would you like to go to the hospital to visit Mr. Sato on Sunday?

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to express your opinions and give advice to others.
  2. Be able to tell somebody something you heard from other people.

Lesson 5
将来 日本で 働こうと 思って います。
I am thinking of working in Japan in the future.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to make the verbs' volitional form
  2. Be able to talk about strong desires and future plans

Lesson 6
リーさんへの 結婚祝い、何にしようか 迷っています。
I am wondering what to buy for Miss Lee's wedding present.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to understand intransitive verbs and transitive verbs
  2. Be able to talk about information you have heard
  3. Learn how to say the information you have heard from others

Lesson 7
資料の 準備が できたら、連絡して もらえませんか。
When the materials are done, could you please contact me?

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. The expressions when you or other people decide to take a certain course of action
  2. Learn how to request or ask other people to do something
  3. Learn how to use “の”as a nominaliser

Lesson 8
本社と 関係する仕事を 頼まれて、急に 来ることに なったんです。
I was asked to do work related to the head office, so I quickly decided to come here.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to make the verbs' passive form
  2. Learn how to use grammar related to passive form
  3. Learn how to use "ても"

Lesson 9
スーツを 着て こなくても かまいません。
You don't have to wear a suit.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to explain and ask about rules.
  2. Learn new grammar about “have to" and "don't have to" and review its related grammar.
  3. Learn how to say something with confidence.

Lesson 10
また、バスケットボールが できれば いいですね。
It would be nice if you could play basketball again.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to make the conditional form
  2. Review grammar showing conditions and be able to understand their differences
  3. Be able to say the purpose clearly

Lesson 11
部長が私に 新しいプロジェクトを 担当させて くれたの。
The manager made me in charge of a new project.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to make the verbs' causative form
  2. Master how to use causative sentences
  3. Learn the polite expressions when asking superiors for permission

Lesson 12
I was told by my company president "Work hard. Don't goof around".

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to make verbs' imperative form
  2. Learn how to warn, strongly prohibit, or instruct somebody.
  3. Understand how to use "のに"

Lesson 13
電車で来られる場合は、西口のバスターミナルに いらっしゃって ください。
If you come by train, please come to the west exit bus terminal.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to understand honorific expressions.
  2. Master how to make respectful expressions.
  3. Be able to make a reservation over the phone while expressing your desires, and ask questions.

Lesson 14
席が 空きましたら、すぐお呼びいたします。
I will call you as soon as a seat is available.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Learn the service terms used in restaurants
  2. Understand humble expressions and polite expressions
  3. Memorize grammar that uses honorific expressions

Lesson 15
最近エレベーターや 電車に 乗らないで なるべく歩くようにしているんです。
Recently, I'm trying to walk more, without taking the elevator or train.

Through studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to say the change of a condition and a habit.
  2. Be able to explain the current situation and the process of an action.

Japanese Learning Course for JLPT N4 Level

By the end of the course, you will be able to do the following things

  • Master vocabulary, expressions, and grammar related to the JLPT N4 level.
  • Be able to comprehend contents slowly spoken in daily life conversations.
  • Be able to comprehend and read typical phrases and sentences written in N4 level kanji.
  • Be able to have Japanese elementary level conversations in everyday life.
  • Be able to have speak and understand easy words of the honorific expressions.

About the Instructor

Attain Corp.
e-learning company in Japan

With more than 15 years of experience in e-learning and education materials, Attain Corp has delivered over 1,000 courses until now.
With its own studio to manage all parts of content creation from scenario and narration production to video recording and editing, it releases stable contents of very high quality.
Attain Corp is always working on delivering the most useful materials to help as many students as possible.

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